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Controller Mapping

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2005 2:20 pm
by dgrussell
I have been using the MX-4 demo for the last few days and have found it a great tool. But I am having a problem w/ the controller mapping and want to determine if the problem is pilot error or the programming not functioning properly. I havve a sound I created that has 6 different controllers mapped to various things. The problem is when I quit DP and reopen the project all the controller mapping is gone. I have to set all the controllers evertime I launch the program. It also loses all the maps if I change the audio setup in any way or import a new bank. The demo is supposed to be fully functioning but maybe its a problem that doesnt exist in the retail version. Or maybe Im doing something wrong. I have saved the patches as well a saving the "Settings" via the minimenu but these mappings are never remembered if I close the file. Has anyone else encountered this?

Thanks, David

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 7:42 am
by TOD
I'm guessing it's a demo isssue. Can you go into more detail on how your mapping and what controller your using. I have the full MX-4 version and maybe I can help.

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 10:22 pm
by dgrussell
Sorry for the long delay in responding. Out of town for the holidays....

I have since purchased the full version. I have several patcehs I created with the demo and am using those but have to reprogramm ALL of the controller maps everytime I open the file. Some patches have 5 or more so this is quite tedious. One simple patch has only CC #7 controlling the main olume. To map it I select "Learn Controller Mapping" from the volume slider's Contextual menu. Them I move the slider on my keyboard that sends CC #7. Everything works just fine...until I close the file and reopen it. I have saved the settings via the Mini menu. I have saved the patch in MX4 as well as saving the DP file. It never remebers the mapping. I really need to fix this because redoing all the controllers each time I open the file is a serious pain.


Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 11:11 pm
by dgrussell
I am also having trouble taking patches that I create to another studio and having them integrate into that system's MX4. If I can get them to load they are often a little different. This is a great synth but the documentation seems lacking.

Thanks for the help!


Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2006 1:04 pm
by dgrussell
Just got off the phone with tech support. MX4 will NOT remember Controller Mapping regardless of how you save it! MOTU Tech verified this for me. So, if you create a patch with mod wheel controlling filter, you HAVE to relearn that function EVERY time you open the synth!! If you have a patch with 5 controllers they all have to be relearned. If you have a file that has several MX4 instances each with multiple controllers, they ALL have to be relearned everytime you open the file!! IMHO, this is just plain dumb. If I program my Kurzweil K2000 with all sorts of MIDI messages controlling different parameters. When I save the patch all those maps are saved as part of the patch. if I load that patch 5 years klater they are all still there. Also if I bring that patch to someone with the same gear its all there. NOT with MX4!! I am stunned that such a basic feature is not there...espescially since we are on version 2.

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2006 12:25 pm
by mlefev
I have to say I am really glad to have read your posts. I was about tomake the leap and purchase the MX4, having tried the demo on a friend's computer (without attempting to map it to my controller) I loved the sound and mod capabilities, but I assumed that the mapping for patches would be automatically saved. WOW! That is a major oversight! I will have to stear clear until this is fixed in an update (which I certainly hope they are working on presently!). Too bad, it is an otherwise very cool instrument.

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 6:37 am
by stretta
Keep in mind, all MX4 parameters have fixed non-registered parameter numbers (NRPN) assignments, so if your controller supports NRPNs, you can program it to, for example, move cutoff frequency of filter 1, and it will always move the cutoff frequency of filter 1, regardless of which patch you're using. Consult the manual for the full list of NRPN assignments.

Alternatively, you can use the modulation system to program controllers into individual patches that will be remembered.

NRPN Active Indication...

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 4:05 pm
by jotff
stretta wrote:Keep in mind, all MX4 parameters have fixed non-registered parameter numbers (NRPN) assignments, so if your controller supports NRPNs, you can program it to, for example, move cutoff frequency of filter 1, and it will always move the cutoff frequency of filter 1, regardless of which patch you're using. Consult the manual for the full list of NRPN assignments.

Alternatively, you can use the modulation system to program controllers into individual patches that will be remembered.
Since MOTU's VIs are now sporting NRPN recognition, here••™s a suggestion: since the most recently received NRPN becomes the active parameter being edited (and after a long session, who knows what that number might be), how about having the name of the active NRPN parameter highlighted in bold or color on the instrument••™s window so that the user always is made aware of which parameter is being edited. Also makes for a good troubleshooting tool if the user doesn••™t have the cheat sheet handy and isnt sure which NRPN parameter number corresponds to which VI setting. The setting name could remain bold/highlited until the VI receives either a new active parameter number command or the NULL data command (as described in the article ).

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 11:09 pm
by dgrussell
I did solve this problem. It really wasnt a problem. The mapping works like it should. Its just the "Learn Controller Mapping" that disappears. I dont really know why its there. if you map w/ the matrix everything is fine. Why MOTU tech didnt see this I dont know. I used the MX-4 quite a bit to design many sounds for the feature film that is coming out next Friday.
