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How to edit my synth ???

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2006 10:05 pm
by yaboss
Hi !
I wanted to edit sound of my synths from unisyn but ... I really don't understand a word on Unisyn !!!
Could anyone explain me how to edit easily?
My set JX8p-M3r-Proteus1-G4mac-DP4.61.
I'd try first with JX.
tks . Yaboss :P :oops:

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2006 12:03 pm
by npatton
Are you having trouble getting Unisyn to interact with your synths (i.e., problems setting up your system)? Or is it working fine, but you're actually wanting help with programming your synths?

That second option might be a bit more than we're set up to do here (a bit like taking piano lessons by e-mail). :shock:

Could you clarify how we can help?

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2006 1:26 pm
by yaboss
[quote="npatton"]Are you having trouble getting Unisyn to interact with your synths (i.e., problems setting up your system)?

- yes , I think I've understand that unisyn works with sysex , right ??
I can't send sysex from JX to DP ..;
this is the first thing I'd like to do (if it's necessary for edit Jx).

- Tks for reply

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2006 1:53 pm
by cuttime
Have you read your synth profile notes? If not, read them, and then read them again. Unisyn can be a difficult beast, and sometimes the MOTU profiles are not correct.

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2006 2:02 pm
by npatton
Have you gone through your manual (including the Unisyn 2.1 Update Notes)? Is this what you were having trouble understanding? I guess I'm not sure I could explain it much better than the manual already does. Unisyn includes a profile for the JX8P, so you shouldn't need to be messing with sysex on your own. The profile should have been included on your install disc.

Chapter 3 in the manual walks through the installation process step-by-step. It's a dry read, but it really helped me to understand what their terminology meant.

I'm sorry I'm not more help. It's such a big topic to try and walk you through when the manual already does a pretty good job of it. If there are any phrases or topics in the manual that are hard to figure out, reference them and their page number in a message and we could try to translate a bit...


unisyn ..hard !

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2006 2:27 pm
by yaboss
tks for help , I think my jx sysex is maybe "down" because I cant send from synth to seq..
I'll try one more time and let you know as soon as I go further.

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2006 3:59 pm
by RCory
You might need to have a cartridge in the JX-8P (M-64c) in order for it to recognize sysex. But I'm not sure of this. The MKS-70 are like this...

Also, make sure all of your memory protect is set to off.

Read the Help file in the profile... it goes through the whole thing...

Good luck

lost in Unisyn

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2006 10:23 pm
by yaboss
ok tks for details .
I'd like to visit one of you someday to see how it works and trying to undersatnd the way Unisyn goes. There is no Unisyn user around here or in France..
Yaboss :?

Posted: Sat Jul 01, 2006 7:12 am
by monkey man
yabos wrote

"I wanted to edit sound of my synths from unisyn but ... I really don't understand a word on Unisyn !!!"

I was instantly suspicious, and was going to suggest not installing the Japanese version! :wink:
Then yabos wrote, "There is no Unisyn user around here or in France.. "

I knew it! You need the French version! :lol:

unisyn ..hard !

Posted: Sat Jul 01, 2006 4:13 pm
by yaboss
yes , it would be the best solution but ... no way !!!
Nobody ( or so few..) use unisyn here in France , that's why it's not translated into french . that's why I'm here . I'm sure unisyn is a great tool , and I'd like to use it because
"Music is connected to sound and sound is connected to people"
Touching the sound is touching music ..Touching music is touching people ..

Posted: Sat Jul 01, 2006 9:42 pm
by RCory
Do you have both a MIDI in and a MIDI out from the JX-8p connected to your interface?

unisyn ..hard !

Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2006 3:19 am
by yaboss
Yes jx is connected in-out both sides .
If you feel you can lead me thru unisyn step by step , don't hesitate !
Yaboss. :roll:

Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2006 8:33 am
by RCory
Have you added the JX-8p profile in the devices window?

Have you confirmed the MIDI channels match in Unisyn and the 8p?

Have you read the 8p Profile Help and does it make sense?

Have to tried to send sysex into another app to see if the 8p isn't crippled?

Have you double-clicked the device to see the editing parameters?

Can you see MIDI info being received on your MIDI interface when you change a slider?

Is the 8p connected properly in the AudioMIDI setup?

Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2006 8:56 am
by yaboss
Let me check if all is allright about connections , MIDI devices and other stuff and we'll go further , step by step .
Big thks for yr help .
yaboss . :wink: