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Re: Moving all my VIs from multiple computers to a single Ma

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2013 8:53 am
by Robbie_2327
I'm having a somewhat similar issue with EWQLSO Gold. I had to reformat my internal hard drive. Everything is up and running (as far as I can tell) except for EWQLSO. DP still says that its not active. The NI service center says that it is active. All of my other EW libraries that use Kontakt were able to re-activate and work but not EWQLSO.

I just tried to uninstall and reinstall it. I was able to get NI service center to reactivate but DP still says that its not active. Ug

I may post a separate thread on this

Re: Moving all my VIs from multiple computers to a single Ma

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2013 9:42 am
by mikehalloran
.. Every time I launch the Service Center app it says
You need to change your security settings while you install software. You can change them back when you are done or leave them alone.
. It sounds like a Mountain Lion thing, unfortunately. This is why I've never made the switch from Snow Leopard.
Yes, it's a ML thing. Why increased security is "unfortunate" is beyond me. Certainly a good reason not to upgrade, right? Right...

If your installer predates ML, it will trigger this alert. It's defeatable and, if you are installing a lot of old software, you should.

The Read Me with an OS update often contains useful information.

Re: Moving all my VIs from multiple computers to a single Ma

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2013 9:57 am
by Tobor
I was going to start a new thread but this might be the right place for the question.

I just got K9 Ultimate, upgrading form Komplete 7. I've got much of the samples from K7 in my Shared samples folder on my main drive, but other Kontakt libraries on an external FW drive as a legacy from Komplete 5. I have two external sample drives, but they're filled up to the point where I can't install the 300G or so from K9.

I have a spare Thunderbolt port on my iMac so was going to buy another FW adaptor and new 3T FW drive and port a lot of VIs from the other drives to that. Would love to start going SSD but with these massive sample libraries it's just too expensive.

After reading this thread I'm now considering just loading K9 on to my main drive, the only place I have room (especially since with the Shared folder redundancy I wouldn't have to load quite as many new samples).

Any thoughts?

Re: Moving all my VIs from multiple computers to a single Ma

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 1:43 pm
by fsheinfeld
Babz wrote:Years ago I set up a studio with a Mac running DP as my DAW, but with most of my virtual instruments running on multiple external PCs.

Now I have finally bitten the bullet and taken on the laborious task for trying to get 10+ years worth of VIs-libraries-and-expansion-pack investment onto a single Mac Mini.

So far I've gotten all my UAD, Arturia, Fxpansion, Toontrack, IK Multimedia, and Gforce stuff installed, updated, registered and authorized and running on my new Mac Mini with Mountain Lion and DP at 64 bit. (Except for Gforce's Oddity, which is still 32 bit. May have to use Jbridge for that, but so far I'm trying to stick with 100% 64 bit.)

Some of the stuff on these PCs is PC-only, legacy/orphaned, and will never run on today's Macs (NI's B4, FM7 (which runs old DX patches better than FM8), Pro 53, Wizoo Latigo, and many other fine oldies but goodies).

But I want to see how far I can go with this in terms of preserving my VI investment, getting everything onto one Mac, and keeping everything running at 64 bit.

This brings me to my next two challenges:

1. Old instruments based around the Kontakt 2 player; and

2. My fairly substantial Gigastudio library.

I don't currently have the budget to upgrade to the latest Komplete and I think I'm currently at Komplete 5, which unfortunately includes a version of Kontakt that is pre 64-bit.

However, there is a FREE Kontakt 5 Player that I can download from NI that is 64 bit. But will it run my older instruments that were set up to work with Kontakt 2 player? These include things like:

- VIOne
- Drums Overkill, Galaxy Pianos (Best Service)
- Sonic Reality Infinite Player Drum Kits

Has anyone been able to get any of this kind of stuff working with Kontakt Player 5 at 64 bit w/ DP8?
Can anyone help walk me through the steps of this kind of migration?

Another issue: My library content is installed on a PC. Can I just drag this library/sample stuff over to a Mac drive and point Kontakt Player 5 at it?

Or do I need to reinstall all these libraries from the original DVDs (which probably won't work w/ Mountain Lion)?

As for the Gigastudio stuf ... Anyone tried GPlayer?

How is it working on a Mac? Does it really read any Giga instrument with no conversion issues or lost sample layers, etc.? How is it working on a Mac with 64 bit?

Any advice on any portion of any of this greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance...

RE Gplayer:
I've using it for a while and works great. For simple libraries you can just use Kontakt or other players, but Gplayer can read more complex libraries like Sonic Implants Strings, etc. very well.

Re: Moving all my VIs from multiple computers to a single Ma

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 7:29 pm
by mikehalloran
. I have a spare Thunderbolt port on my iMac so was going to buy another FW adaptor and new 3T FW drive
Why in the world would anyone buy a new FW external for an Intel Mac with TB?

Get a TB or USB 3 drive. If it's a mechanical drive, there will be no speed difference - the platter speed is your bottleneck. If SSDs, TB will be faster than USB 3 which is 5x the speed of FW800. I know, no 3T SSDs unless you are building a RAID array.

If you already have the raw drive, you can get a TB Dock for not much money - same with USB 3 if you have that available.