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Re: In honor of the folks in Cambridge...

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 12:12 pm
by Shooter
I agree, this discussion doesn't belong in this forum and was hesitant about making any response. I certainly did not want it to become political, simply a topic that, for personal reasons, I feel very strongly about and I felt compelled to add an opinion. James, I think the point is well taken that this forum should concentrate on DP related issues.

Re: In honor of the folks in Cambridge...

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 12:25 pm
by giles117
2 Things. All I was saying was hey we gotta be careful when we celebrate. Not making this political. Just be careful and let's all send our love out to the family of this girl.


2 - The image is linked, not uploaded to your server..

So yeah let's drop the politics celebrate the win and keep in mind to be careful.

in 84 we had cars burned and overturned. makes you more sensitive to these things.

when the Pistons won in 89, same type of foolishness and this past year same mess. let's just be careful and

Go BOSOX....


Re: In honor of the folks in Cambridge...

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 1:02 pm
by James Steele
I understand that the image is linked of course. It's not possible to be uploaded to the server. Any way, since this thread has taken a surprise turn, the Sox still have to get through the series, I'm closing the thread and we now return you to our regularly scheduled programming.