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Moderator: James Steele

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Post by giles117 »

Aww gee you coulda edited me. LOL.. anyway...

Good luck on your project man... I am sure your steps are ordered so swing for the fences.. and Make dad proud. :)
DP 6.02
Quad 3.0 Ghz, 8.0 GB RAM, 2 - 1TB HD, 5 - 500GB HD's (RAID)
MOTU HD192, 2408mk3, Microlite, UAD-1, UAD-2, Powercore, Lavry Blue AD/DA convertor, LA-610
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29 years in this business and counting.....Loving every minute of it.....
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Post by Proklaim Recording »

PR, I don't run as many tracks as you, but I still have issues with the CPU maxing out. I typically run my processor around 90%. I just got Wizooverb W2, and I can only put two instances on my dual 800 before it bogs down. If I don't use W2, I can run about six or eight PSP Vintage Warmers, a few MW Gates, a few MW EQs. I try to do what I can without track freezing, and so far, as my needs are modest, it seems to be working for me.

I'm going to hold onto it for another year or so, until the Mac Pros shake out all the bugs, and skip the G5 altogether.
Thanks for the reply Jim!, I am really very close to the " That's all it will do line" I guess. I am going to have to upgrade soon! I hope I don't get into any problems in doing so, with the new Mac Pros. Anyway it will be nice to have some head room in the Mac again. I plan on keeping my G4 even though I will be upgrading, I have a Digi 001 or Mbox I can use with it sometimes, so that will be nice. I just upgraded my Waves Gold to Renn Maxx and now have the IR-L reverb, I love the sounds on it. I was using the Mackie d8b reverbs before that. The IR-L takes a lot of CPU and the Renn maxx stuff does too. I want to get a UAD-1, but I am going to wait until the Mac upgrade because of the PCIe problems. Your in a good position to wait it sounds like so that is what I would do too if I could.

Intel Mac Pro Dual Core 2.66 ][ 5 GB RAM ][ OSX 10.6.4 ][ DP 7.21 ][ MOTU 2408 mk11 ][ Mackie d8b ][ Focusrite Octopre ][ Aardvark Aardsync ll ][ HR824's ][ Liquid Mix 3.0 ][ Waves Gold and Ren Maxx bundles 6.0 ][ PSP bundles ][ Altiverb 6.3.1 ][ Ivory Grand Pianos 1.72 ][ Eastwest Goliath ][
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Post by waxman »

Hi gang thanks for all the support... We got 7 songs cut in 3 days...

I will do some work roughs next week and post them and some screen shots. You might need to tell me how to do the posting...

Here is a overview of the tracking...

We are in a large soundstage room. A Midas console is handling the inputs as follows...

Yamaha recording series set...
Kick pzm mic inside drum on a pillow
Snare over sm 57
Snare under shure sm 81
hat sm 91
tom 1,2,3 sennheiser 421s
over rt and left (for the overheads I am using m-audio solaris)

Elect gt... di and amp (Strats and Les Pauls, 6 and 12 String Rickenbackers.)
Acoustic gt di (Tahoma guitar... I have blisters on my fingers...)
Yamaha Motif di
Roland VK 8 di (its B3 organ)
Roland fp 7 piano di
Yamaha synth di
Bass di (Fender Jazz 5 string, Carvin Fretless,
Vocal Tube mic and I am using a FMR RNC 1773 compressor on insert... that little thing is just set on really nice mode and it works great. But it is a guide vocal non the less but I am amazed at the sound...

All di boxes are proco

I am using the DI outs pre fader of the midas into 2 24 io. I am really trying to keep the levels below -6. It worked great.

I am monitoring using an Aviom system. The bass player who does alot of major dates with Don Was and others in LA said it was great and loved the set up of the Avioms. This is the first time I have never had to worry about good cue mixes. And because it changes from song to song the guys can just adjust. Chris the keyboard player said he felt like he was playing to a record the whole time. I told him he was... lol

So I now have the tracks back here and will start doing some basic roughs. The drums and bass are locked and sound organic...

One cool thing was the click on motu was so helpful. We would use the hat sound except on to rock tunes that we switched to cowbell. it was so convienient and very easy...

One of the songs was a rambling rock feel (Traveling Willburys) that switched at the end to a kind of Jeff Beck Becks Bolero feel (think Lord of the Dance on steriods.) It went from tempo 120 to 130. So we played up to the cymbal crash at 120 and let it fade. Then I set the tempo to ramp to 130 and off we went with the new feel. It worked flawless. The guys flipped with the edit...

Ok here is the best part... Not one crash. DP worked like a charm. It was very fast. One of the guys was a Logic user and he was very impressed. We did many multiple takes adding new takes. The only pain is I can only figure out how to switch those outputs indivdually....

I had to change from speaker playback outs to headphone outs during different parts of the sessions for playback because the guys were up on the stage about 60 feet away. It was so eazy to just select the track and change the audio assignments. We each saved an Aviom setting for playback as opposed to tracking. It was like nails. The change to 30 secs back and forth.

DP sounds great. The transfer of 7 songs was about 19 gigs.

If you have anyother specific questions I would be glad to answer them.

How do I post... screen shots and roughs...

Thanks for the support. I thought about you guys being there...
DP9.5, Macbook Pro (2018) Mojave, Slate VMS mic, Everything Bundle, Dual Raven MTI 2, Apollo Twin Quad, UAD Arrow, UAD Satellite Octo Tbolt and all the UAD plugs, NI Komplete 11 Ultimate & Arturia V Collection 6, Maschine Studio MK3 Hardware, NI Komplete Kontrol 61s MK 2, Spectrasonics Ominisphere, Superior Drummer, BFD3, Ozone 7, Altiverb, Sound Toys, Waves, Final Cut X. PT 11.
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Post by Shooshie »


Code: Select all


Gives me this:
(note: no spaces are permissible in Web code, and pictures must contain their file-type as a suffix: .jpg, .gif, .png, etc.)

Of course, you have to have a place to upload it. I use my dot.Mac account. Note the uppercase "Public" with a dot in front of it. It won't work without that detail in a dotMac account. You probably have a website and server space to upload stuff, or a dotMac account, but if you don't, PM me and I'll help you out. .

For posting a rough, the easiest way for me is this (and pardon the example; it's really rough and totally unmixed):

Code: Select all

[url=http://homepage.mac.com/shoosh/.Public/Concertino_da_Camera-II.mp3][u]Ibert Concertino--2nd mvt. opening[/u][/url]
The result:
Ibert Concertino--2nd mvt. opening

An MP3 will open a new page in the browser with the Quicktime player imbedded in it. The same thing with other types of files will just cause them to download to the user's desktop. Note that I used underline markers (bracket-U) in the title. That's because in this forum it is sometimes hard to see links. The underline lets people know there is a link present. You can use spaces in the title, since it's for display only, not part of the actual URL.

Last edited by Shooshie on Fri Sep 01, 2006 6:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
|l| OS X 10.12.6 |l| DP 10.0 |l| 2.4 GHz 12-Core MacPro Mid-2012 |l| 40GB RAM |l| Mach5.3 |l| Waves 9.x |l| Altiverb |l| Ivory 2 New York Steinway |l| Wallander WIVI 2.30 Winds, Brass, Saxes |l| Garritan Aria |l| VSL 5.3.1 and VSL Pro 2.3.1 |l| Yamaha WX-5 MIDI Wind Controller |l| Roland FC-300 |l|
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Post by monkey man »

James Steele wrote:Okay Giles, Monkey Man, and ed...
I deleted your posts and that's only because your posts were turning this into a debate and political in a way that this original thread was not. I do not want to debate the merits of any particular civil rights group, etc. I have my opinions on this of course, but my opinions on these matters do not belong here. I'm not trying to be harsh... please let me do the moderating. I like and respect you guys but please just let this subject be. I expressed my policy in regard to this thread and let's just leave it alone. Thanks! :-)
Hi, James
How embarrassing. :oops:
I've lost the previous two attempts at this upon "posting" and being disconnected, so I hope this still suffices.
I've scaled mountains today to log on early and make an edit or two and delete a couple of sentences.
I should've known; the "vibe police" sure are operating efficiently, as always Jimbo! :shock:
We gotta keep this ship runnin' tight. Can't let any sort of rot set in...
Funny; I love how quickly you respond to danger, yet when I've gaffed, I'm spewin' there wasn't more time to correct my mistakes! :lol:

I don't want to tiptoe perilously close to a boundary and cause you concern about where a thread could end up, James.
I pictured your having to get up in the middle of the night... to check this thread. Crazy. :shock:

Giles and I mentioned an organisation in jest, but in doing so were inviting disaster.
That would've been the clincher, right there. If not, perhaps the debate it may have spawned.
Hey, if nobody mentioned such-and-such, nobody'd feel compelled to debate or air his/ her views about such-and-such.
I don't know what transpired subsequently, but I've had a semi-nervous 24 hours...

After putting myself in your shoes, James, I realised that this time I'd done this too late!
Hmm... Note to self:
Slip 'em on first, ya nanger! :lol:

Again, I'm sorry for my naivety, James.
If it's any consolation, my embarrassment sure is real.
Thanks for "playing it safer" and keeping us in line, anyway.

Jim also deserves respect for how he handled himself.
I'll adress him in my next post, but for now, James, thank you again for giving us this Unicorn Heaven!
Man, if only words could easily describe the appreciation so many of us feel! :wink:

PS: Looking forward to the next episode...
More positive MOTUesque tales of studiodome, I hope! :lol:
Last edited by monkey man on Sat Sep 02, 2006 5:12 am, edited 1 time in total.

Mac 2012 12C Cheese Grater, OSX 10.13.6
MOTU DP8.07, MachFive 3.2.1, MIDI Express XT, 24I/O
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Post by monkey man »

Jim wrote:Interesting how I'm made out to be the bad guy because I want to avoid confrontations.
G'day, Jim

I don't know what was said after I logged off yesterday, but I'm sorry for any part I played in the silliness that transpired.
I meant no harm.
Hey, I even "spoke to you" some time later, at 05:52 pm:

http://www.motunation.com/forum/viewtop ... 3945#93945

I was trying to get you to do something to support waxman, like an encouraging word or whatever.
Whilst others were offering prayers for the project to bear good fruit, as-per waxman's request, you were calling for the thread to be deleted!
Hence my statement, now relegated to cyber-heaven,"What are you going to do for waxman, Jim?".
I believe that was my last written entry.
Still, my tone didn't sit right with me.
I could have prompted you in a more creative way.

You're not the "bad guy" here, Jim. No one is.
I'm one of the "naughty guys", though, and I sincerely hope you weren't distressed at all.

I've gotta learn to tiptoe through the tulips in safe territory, as opposed to the minefield of getting all close and personal with the fence-line!
If there's an opportunity for humour, I've always been a sucker. :lol:

Credit to you Jim; some might've turned "nasty". You didn't.
Again, I'm sorry if any offense was caused.
'Till next time...:wink:

PS: FWIW, all my wishes of support for WM have been deleted. Ouch.
Pride comes before the fall, and that's what I got for having been a naughty boy!
Thank G@# I still prayed for his success, hey? :lol:

Mac 2012 12C Cheese Grater, OSX 10.13.6
MOTU DP8.07, MachFive 3.2.1, MIDI Express XT, 24I/O
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Post by monkey man »

= G'day waxman! =

Hope it's (still) going swimmingly-well!

Like Shoosh and others, I'm keen to hear the results.
Thank you for the quibble-mint details; they do help and are appreciated... it's our staple diet! :lol:

Unfortunately my dedication to pray for several specific aspects of your project was deleted.
I'm loathe to go into any more detail as I'm still nursing my bad-boy-wounds.
Suffice it to say I'm doing all I can for you on this end! :D

On the sore-finger thing, you could try soaking your hands in a basin of warm water and epsom salts.
My mum was a classical pianist who swore by the warm-water thing.
The epsom-salts thing's just a muscle-relaxing idea (I received) for you.
This might help prevent and ease stiffness, as well as aid flexibility.
Sorry; I'm a health-nut and couldn't resist.
Actually, this sounds like good advice; I must try it some time! :lol:

Good wishes and G-speed, waxman.
Yay! It's your baby this time! :D

PS: Of course, don't forget to give credit when you're done!
Of course you won't!
PPS: Talk about an "A-list"... great line-up, man. :wink:
Last edited by monkey man on Sat Sep 02, 2006 5:16 am, edited 2 times in total.

Mac 2012 12C Cheese Grater, OSX 10.13.6
MOTU DP8.07, MachFive 3.2.1, MIDI Express XT, 24I/O
Novation, Yamaha & Roland Synths, Guitar & Bass, Kemper Rack

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Post by monkey man »

The Shooshmeister wrote:The result:
Ibert Concertino--2nd mvt. opening
This follows "Concertino da Camera pour onze Instruments"?
It's in iTunes (thanks!). Slooowly downloading...
Look forward to it, Shoosh.
I know it's only rough, but it's one step closer to the first ever... Shoosh Orkester album! :lol:

That reminds me; the first download you made available still had most, if not all the mix dynamics at that stage of development.
I think there may have been another iteration, then the final mix.
What struck me after having adapted to the first or second version was the "in-your-face nature of the final mix.
I knew half (OK, 2/3 to 3/4) of the range would probably go, but was still stunned at the i-y-f nature, as I said.
I initially wondered whether too much Waves could indeed be enough.
Just an intuitive reaction. I've never conciously heard a Waves plug.

Thank you for those tips, by the way.
You deliver as always.

Sorry I've nothing more eloquent for you, Meister.
I'm even fresh out of jokes.
This lone-monkey's done the work of all 100 tonight!

FWIW, I edit every 2 to 3 words, such is the value of my typing!
Almost 4 hours on this thread alone. Crikey, do I need the other 99!
Oh, boys; where are you? :wink:
Last edited by monkey man on Sat Sep 02, 2006 5:19 am, edited 1 time in total.

Mac 2012 12C Cheese Grater, OSX 10.13.6
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Post by Jim »

monkey man wrote: G'day, Jim

I don't know what was said after I logged off yesterday, but I'm sorry for any part I played in the silliness that transpired.
I meant no harm.
Hey MM, no worries. You're a gent for following up. Thanks.

Here's another tip for sore fingers... at least this works for me for the sore joints that I get from drumming: Vitamin B6 and B12. They'll turn your pee green, but that's a pretty benign side effect for the benifits. I usually take one of each before a recording session, and that usually wards off the immflamation.
recording: Mac Mini 2018 - 32GB RAM - 3.2 GHz 6-Core Intel Core i7 - two Focusrite Scarlett 18i20 - OS 12.7.5 - DP 11.23
mixing: MacPro7,1 - 256GB RAM - 2.7 GHz 24-Core Intel Xeon W - Focusrite Scarlett Solo - OS 13.6.7 - DP 11.23
Both computers: Kontakt Komplete 13 VIs and effects. Effects: FabFilter, Sonnox, SSL, PSP, UA, Valhalla, Baby, AIXDSP, Relab, Sonible. VIs: KV331, Cherry, Arturia, AIR Tech, GForce, AAS, East-West, Garritan, Best Service, Kilohearts, Brainworx, UA, Plug-In Alliance
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Post by Shooshie »

Jim wrote:
monkey man wrote: G'day, Jim

I don't know what was said after I logged off yesterday, but I'm sorry for any part I played in the silliness that transpired.
I meant no harm.
Hey MM, no worries. You're a gent for following up. Thanks.

Here's another tip for sore fingers... at least this works for me for the sore joints that I get from drumming: Vitamin B6 and B12. They'll turn your pee green, but that's a pretty benign side effect for the benifits. I usually take one of each before a recording session, and that usually wards off the immflamation.
Hey, I do the same thing! In fact, I keep a little pile of them in a wooden box in my desk drawer, so I can just reach in and grab one. The B-12 supposedly gets your brain working full speed, but "full speed" in my brain just isn't all that impressive. I take a few other herbal and mineral concoctions, at times. Beats drugs!

|l| OS X 10.12.6 |l| DP 10.0 |l| 2.4 GHz 12-Core MacPro Mid-2012 |l| 40GB RAM |l| Mach5.3 |l| Waves 9.x |l| Altiverb |l| Ivory 2 New York Steinway |l| Wallander WIVI 2.30 Winds, Brass, Saxes |l| Garritan Aria |l| VSL 5.3.1 and VSL Pro 2.3.1 |l| Yamaha WX-5 MIDI Wind Controller |l| Roland FC-300 |l|
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Post by waxman »

Hi Shooshie...

So I upload it to my website... correct...

Do I have to leave it on the site or will it load to unination and leave a copy there?

I prefer not to leave it on my website but whatever. Maybe it is time to get a .mac account. How much is it?
DP9.5, Macbook Pro (2018) Mojave, Slate VMS mic, Everything Bundle, Dual Raven MTI 2, Apollo Twin Quad, UAD Arrow, UAD Satellite Octo Tbolt and all the UAD plugs, NI Komplete 11 Ultimate & Arturia V Collection 6, Maschine Studio MK3 Hardware, NI Komplete Kontrol 61s MK 2, Spectrasonics Ominisphere, Superior Drummer, BFD3, Ozone 7, Altiverb, Sound Toys, Waves, Final Cut X. PT 11.
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Post by Shooshie »

Yes, you have to leave it on your account. But a few weeks should suffice, until the thread rolls away. A DotMac account is about $120/year, for a Gigabyte of storage (or more, they keep upping the storage space). I love dotMac. It's perfect for me. Lots of perks, too.

|l| OS X 10.12.6 |l| DP 10.0 |l| 2.4 GHz 12-Core MacPro Mid-2012 |l| 40GB RAM |l| Mach5.3 |l| Waves 9.x |l| Altiverb |l| Ivory 2 New York Steinway |l| Wallander WIVI 2.30 Winds, Brass, Saxes |l| Garritan Aria |l| VSL 5.3.1 and VSL Pro 2.3.1 |l| Yamaha WX-5 MIDI Wind Controller |l| Roland FC-300 |l|
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Post by matwell »

With all due respect, this will probably get deleted, but I too find James' acceptance of this post to be hypocritical. A while back, another poster (sorry, can't remember the name) got reprimanded for saying something about a "war with a middle eastern country", and yet this post with a blatantly religious intent is considered acceptable? Would the same post, appealing for other belief systems to "pray" for their project have been acceptable here? My view, which applies to any form of censorship, is that it's either ALL fair game, or NONE of it is.

Unicornation is a (for the most part) great forum, probably one of THE best out there. It certainly fills a void that MOTU should have addressed. Obviously, it's not my forum, so I don't make the rules here. I'm just calling it like I see it, for what it's worth.

(and this *is* the area for "gripes", among other things) :wink:
Quad G5 - 4GB RAM; PB 17" 1.5 GHz - 1GB RAM; OS 10.4.8, DP 5.11, Digi 002R, Mbox, Pro Tools LE 7.1, DV Toolkit 2, Music Production Toolkit, MachFive, NI Komplete2, EWQLSO GOLD, MemoryMoog Plus
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Post by monkey man »

Jim wrote:Hey MM, no worries. You're a gent for following up. Thanks.
No worries, mate. :wink:
FWIW, that's Aussie for "she's apples" or "you're right".
I guess I'm saying thank you!
Jim wrote:Here's another tip for sore fingers... at least this works for me for the sore joints that I get from drumming: Vitamin B6 and B12. They'll turn your pee green, but that's a pretty benign side effect for the benifits. I usually take one of each before a recording session, and that usually wards off the immflamation.
Gee, thanks Jim!
Shooshie wrote: The B-12 supposedly gets your brain working full speed, but "full speed" in my brain just isn't all that impressive.
Yeah, right. :lol:
Personally, I don't know how you sleep!
Shooshie wrote: I take a few other herbal and mineral concoctions, at times. Beats drugs!
Yup; there's man's way, and then there's...
Thanks, Meister.
Go you good thing. :wink:

Mac 2012 12C Cheese Grater, OSX 10.13.6
MOTU DP8.07, MachFive 3.2.1, MIDI Express XT, 24I/O
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Post by jlaudon »

Hi Waxman,

I've been following this thread with some interest, and noticed your setup includes a G5 dual core 2.3, as well as a projectmix. Has it been working ok? Do you have any PCIe cards installed (SATA cards, fx cards like UAD-1)?
The reason I ask is that my Quad G5 hasn't been working with the projectmix, and I've troubleshooted (or is it troubleshot??) and found a clash with my MTP/AV interface, and also my weibetech PCIe to SATA expansion card - the Promix just stops working after 10-20 seconds. When I unplug all the mentioned things, it seems to work ok.

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