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Timing issues when bouncing to disk with 11.3 or 11.31 and Vienna Ensemble Pro

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2024 2:30 pm
by kinnylandrum
I just ran into a problem I hadn't had before. When bouncing to disk with a project in 11.31 and using Vienna Ensemble Pro (the latest version/build), which I hadn't done since upgrading to 11.31, I ran into timing anomalies. It sounded like ragged rhythms, slightly, but it was a little hard to tell, since it was cut without a click track and was fairly free timing. But I didn't think my time was THAT bad!

Anyway, I tried the bounce in 11.31 and 11.3 and had the same trouble. but then wheI opend the project in 11.23, all the timing problems went away. It was also the first time in a long time that I've used Vienna Ensemble Pro, so I'm not sure if that doesn't figure into the issue in some way.

Has anyone else had timing issues with 11.3 or 11.31, especially when using Vienna Ensemble Pro?
KInny Landrum