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max buffer differences between computers and interfaces

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2023 11:53 am
by Jim
I'm wondering why my max buffer size on my MacPro and Focusrite Scarlett Solo is 2048, whereas on my Mac Mini with two Scarlett 18i20 is 4096.

I track drums with the Mini configuration, and mix on the MacPro. Since mixing is when I tend to stack on the effects, driving the Real time meter in DP into clipping, that's where a higher buffer would help the most.

I'm recording and mixing at 88.2 - 32-bits. Same version of DP on both computers.

FWIW, the max available buffer in Adobe Premiere is also 2048. It's 4096 in BMD Resolve. That's not ideal, because there's about a four second delay between hitting Play and seeing and hearing the AV. When doing that hundreds of times per hour, that's a time killer. Plus, I don't run any third-party effects in Resolve, as most of anything you'd need is built into the Fairlight section.

I was thinking this may be a limitation with the Scarlett Solo, but given Resolve can operate at 4096, that seems to refute that option.

Re: max buffer differences between computers and interfaces

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2023 1:59 pm
by bayswater
Jim, when I had two interfaces, there was an options in the DP Setting page to use something like a “multiplier” to reflect that you were using two interfaces. I wonder if that is turned on, and if so whether it would double the buffer sizes.

Re: max buffer differences between computers and interfaces

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2023 2:27 pm
by Jim
Ah! That's it!

I just learned that if you select 4096 here, once you change the buffer to a lower value from the Control Panel, you have to use Setup>Configure Audio System > Configure Hardware Driver to set it back to 4096.

Thanks for the help!

Re: max buffer differences between computers and interfaces

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2023 3:47 pm
by bayswater