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Need assistance opening Encore compositions on older Mac

Posted: Sun May 31, 2020 8:08 pm
by mahermusic
What I've got:

1) A recently-restored iMac running 9.2.2
2) Encore 4.0.4 and 4.1.2 that I originally composed....
3) 30 of my earliest compositions, inputed/saved as Encore files

What I would REALLY like to accomplish here:

1) The ability to open/play back said files and have access to them again

The Mac has QuickTime 5.0.2 installed

All of the files have no extensions listed. Also, the individual folders containing the enclosed Encore compositions all have underscores (that I didn't place) before and after their folder titles.

When I try to open one of the compositions, it tells me that there is no application available to open the file. How, using Mac OS 9.2.2, to I tell the Mac to open these files using Encore? Is it because there's no extension listed after each file.... or am I barking up the wrong tree here.

(I'm a life-long Mac user, that's been away from System 9 WAY too long... I'm quite rusty in this area nowadays.)

I still have all my handwritten copies of these arrangements, as well as my reference recordings when they were originally played. I'd just like to get back into these Encore files.

Re: Need assistance opening Encore compositions on older Mac

Posted: Sun May 31, 2020 10:04 pm
by mikehalloran
The current version of Encore cannot open your files. Whether any of the older versions will is open to speculation. If v.4.2.4 can open one, it can be converted to 5.0.5 on a Mac running OS 10.5—10.6, perhaps 10.4.11, it’s been a long time. That 5.0.5 Encore file can then be moved to a Mac running OS 10.7—10.14 and opened in 5.0.7.

Are we having fun yet?

If it can be opened in version 5, the notes can be exported via MusicXML but not lyrics or expressions. If the long-promised 64 bit version of Encore ever shows up, that may change. For now, best to get into pdf so that you can open in a scanning app such as Smart Score X2 Pro, convert to MusicXML 3 which can be opened in the modern notation app of your choice.

One of the reasons I set up my G4 as a dual boot system was so that I could convert older Encore files to 4.2.4 In OS 9. Then boot in OS 10.4, open in Encore 4.2.4 again and Save. Then open in 5.0.4, save and then open in 5.0.5 and Save.

I think. Again, it’s been awhile.

Try opening your files from within the app. Open Encore then navigate to a file from the Open menu.

If you can open your files, then there are those who can do that conversion for you. I may even be one if I set up my G4 again.

Or you can do it yourself. Go to the web site, sign up for the Community board (users group). It’s a ghost town but it does exist. Also, if you can open a file, you can upgrade to the latest version and get the incremental versions you need to convert those 31 files.

Re: Need assistance opening Encore compositions on older Mac

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2020 10:18 am
by mahermusic
Thanks for the reply! Allow me to pick your brain, if I may:

What I'm having a problem with is why I can't just open the files on the iMac in the first place. This is how they were originally composed back around the 1998 era in the first place.

I remember with some other files that didn't have extensions attached that I had to ADD something on the end of the file so that the system would understand which application to use. Does that need to be done here?

Yeah, so it's the opening and the playback that I really don't understand why it's not happening. I fully understand doing the incremental buildup of versions to bring them into the "modern" Encore world... but what about the Encore world from whence they came? I'm using a Power PC iMac running 9.2.2, and I'm attempting to open the files using the actual Encore programs that originally created them.

Re: Need assistance opening Encore compositions on older Mac

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2020 11:43 am
by mikehalloran
You've not given enough info for me to answer any more than I have. For example, you've not indicated what versions you have installed and if you've tried to open a file the way I told you—and that's important to know. Knowing what versions created them only tells me how many steps might be involved.

I and others can address this in the Encore Community boards. None of us pop in very often since all we're doing is to see if there is news of the 64 bit version we were promised last year and the year before. Since this is a MOTU users board, that's where this belongs.

Re: Need assistance opening Encore compositions on older Mac

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2020 11:50 am
by mahermusic
Do you mean what versions of Encore installed? If so, that was in my first post: 4.0.4 & 4.1.2.

When I open either Encore version, and attempt to open any of the Encore files from within the app, I can see the folders, but they all appear to be empty, as if the files are invisible.

I will see if I can create an account over in the Encore forum and paste my questions as well as you suggested. (Thank you for the help so far!)

Re: Need assistance opening Encore compositions on older Mac

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2020 2:26 pm
by mikehalloran
I can see the folders, but they all appear to be empty, as if the files are invisible.
Not even greyed out? Oh that's not good.

Do join over there but send me a PM here. I have an idea.

I had given up on Encore completely. Only my church music was done in it—anything larger is in Finale. Then, last year, I got a church job after 13 years and a couple months ago, I got another. My files from 2005 or so open in 5.0.7 over Mojave but there's some old stuff I never did convert. Plus, it would be nice if the files I'm using could be exported with lyrics and expressions. Yes, I can wait till SmartScore Pro goes to 64 bit (as promised last month) but the less effort I need to put into this, the better.

Re: Need assistance opening Encore compositions on older Mac

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2020 2:32 pm
by mahermusic
Hmmm, when I try to send you a PM it says: The requested users to be added do not exist.