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MX4 - Upgrading Soon or EOL?

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 6:32 am
by Cacus
I appreciate that this may not be answerable but what's the state of play with MX4? Is it likely to go EOL like unisyn (which probably hasn't officially gone EOL) or is it due an upgrade very soon.

I only ask as I was looking at upgrading MachFive here in the UK and the UK distributor is offering a discount on MX4 for £82.80 (down from £199).

If there upgrading it soon it's not worth opting for yet and well obviously don't want another Unisyn on my hands.


Re: MX4 - Upgrading Soon or EOL?

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2012 4:29 pm
by crduval
Just saw your post - I have no idea what the upgrade plans are, but MX4 is a very cool synth VI, and the more I work with it, the more interesting it gets. I'm getting some great sounds out of it especially now that I have figured out how to understand how the LFO assignments and step arranger routings have been implemented in some of the presets. It also got a fun "randomizer" button that will randomly change parameters to help create new sounds based on a given routing and oscillator waveform selection, so if you have a sound that you like, you can come up with some interesting and useful variations.

It would be nice if it were to be updated in the future, but its pretty great right now, and I think you would be very pleased at that price. With M5 and MX4, you have some significant audio power at your disposal.

Good luck!

Re: MX4 - Upgrading Soon or EOL?

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 10:01 am
by Music4dw
I took advantage of a similar offer in the spring. I'm curious on the state too. I upgraded to DP 8 and it disappeared. Disappointed to find out it's 32bit and I have to launch DP in 32bit mode for it to show up. I sent a note to support asking about their plans for 64bit support. Maybe they'll give some insight if a new version is coming.

Re: MX4 - Upgrading Soon or EOL?

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 5:50 am
by Cacus
Interest point on this cheap upgrade (for UK customers using musictracks). MX4 seems to be available still (Jan 2013) for £82.80 but to get it to show up at this price you have to select MachFive 3 upgrade then proceed to the checkout were it's then offered. Interestingly once added to your basket you can delete MachFive and it still shows MX4 at £82.80. Though I'd guess that to get it at this price you need to purchase the MachFive upgrade.
