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MX4 and volume

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 3:30 pm
by joelfriedman

I'm trying to do a simple mix thing: put a volume "fade" on an MX4 patch (I'm using it as a plugin within DP 7.21). The patch is Bank 14 Stings; Patch 1 Matthew Strings. It's too loud and eating up some delicate parts. I've tried the usual: setting it at a VERY low initial volume (e.g. 25!) - gee, drawing in a CC volume fade, decreasing the initial velocity... nothing. It's still too loud and isn't affected by anything I do. Yes, auto is on. Yes I've tried quitting DP, restarting, doing a cold restart. No difference. Sometimes I do get annoying gremlins with the mixer - things don't "register" and do what they're supposed to until I restart, but this is ridiculous. I just took off auto and while the single held MX4 note was playing pulled the fade down to zero but nothing changed - I still heard the note at full volume the whole time. BTW: I successfully have pitch bend implemented. That works. Then it occurred to me, in addition to possible human error, or the usual mixer voodoo, what if the patch simply didn't respond to volume? Is that possible? After spending 2 hours on this is there anyone who can tell me if this is the case or how I could get this patch to respond to simple volume info??? I've used the patch a number of times and can't remember running into this kind of stupidity.



Re: MX4 and volume

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 8:35 am
by 1nput0utput
Most of the MX4 patches probably don't respond to control change 7 by default. Right-click or control-click on the master volume slider in the upper right corner of the MX4 window, and choose "Learn controller mapping." Then open the Mixing Board window in DP and move the fader for the MIDI track that is set to output to that instance of MX4. Then you should see that the volume slider in MX4 moves whenever that MIDI track fader moves. Likewise, any CC #7 automation in the MIDI track will control the volume parameter when the sequence is played.

Re: MX4 and volume

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 1:49 pm
by joelfriedman
Genius, I tell you! Pure genius! Except having to adjust for volume effecting timbre on the patch it worked!! Thanks so much for the reply.

