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Time shift problem - can't save/see my edits

Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 2:33 am
by popp

I am a new BPM owner and new to the forums too... English is not my first language so if I sound a little weird: sorry for that...

My problem is: I can't save my "time shift" operations. Maybe I've missed something, but it seems like a bug to me. When I open the BPM presets I can see the time shift edits in the graph editor but when I use this function for my own beats I am not able to save my edits. Which means when I reopen my project, I can hear the edit but I can't see it in the graph editor. This is very confusing... All the other edits like velocity etc. are safeable.

I'm running BPM under WIN7, 64bit...

Does anyone have an idea?


Re: Time shift problem - can't save/see my edits

Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 10:03 am
by popp
update: when I open a saved project, the time shift edits are completely gone. I first thought it's just the graphics but no...

any ideas please? :(